7 menetelmää voittaa $ 50 EGIFT-kortti Sephora! (Ends Monday)

A makeup as well as charm blog Sephora giveaway!

Mornin’, babe. Miten se menee tänä aamuna? Hyvää kisuria.


Purr typical for me when we satisfy like this, I’m a sleepy sheepy. I may have discussed this before, but, as much as I’d like to be, I am not a morning person. My wheels don’t begin turning up until 10 a.m. or so, depending upon exactly how much caffeine I’ve had… before 10, I just fake it till I make it.

Do anything fun last night? I lastly completed viewing breaking poor (well, with the fifth season) on Netflix. I believe there’s still one season left, however it’s not on Netflix yet. I’m fine waiting, though, because, reality be told, I’m a bit stressed out on the show. I requirement a break from breaking Bad. It only took 50-something episodes in two months, LOL.

Your nephew is…actually, I have no concept where he is best now. He was extremely naughty last night. He kept grumbling as well as scratching at the carpet on the stairs, which he’s already quite much broken to shreds. He gets extremely fussy as well as misbehaves when anything interferes with his routines.


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

He has extremely strict routines, you see, like, he needs at least 10-15 minutes of high-intensity lurvies very first thing every morning as well as last thing every night. If for any type of reason he doesn’t get one or the other, he acts out, like by clawing at the stairs in the middle of the night. It’s his method of throwing a solidify tantrum.

“Where’s my lurvies, dammit?! Woman, I requirement my lurvies! heads are gonna roll, b*tches! You will pay for this insolence!!”

Haha! Seriously, that’s exactly how it is. He turns into a extremely fussy tabby.

Noh. He’ll be fine. now let’s talk about giveaways, shall we? This weekend’s starts best meow.

Yksi (1) Sephora EGIFT-kortti, johon kuuluu $ 50 lähetetään mestari sähköpostitse (kansainväliset lukijat, voit valita 50 dollaria lähettämällä PayPalin sijaan).

Syötä käyttämällä alla olevaa RaffleCopter-widgetia alla.

Avoinna USA: lle ja maailmanlaajuisille lukijoille.

Sinun pitäisi olla 18 tai vanhempi mennä (tai muuten aikuinen, joka perustuu alueellisiin lakeihin).

Kommenttisi voi olla mitään kaikesta, mutta täällä on muutamia käsitteitä, jos olet jumissa:

What was the most interesting thing you did this week?

Favorite ride/attraction at Disneyland?

Do you wear a watch?

How do you feel about hats?

Do you knit or crochet?

What was your last, finest charm purchase?

Voit mennä niin paljon kuin seitsemän tapaa lisätä voiton mahdollisuuksiasi.

The giveaway ends on Monday, January 20, 2014 at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).

Täydelliset termit sekä olosuhteet tarjotaan widgetissä.


Rafflecopter giveaway

Ystävällinen yhteisön charmin addict,


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