Makeup ja kauneus blogi maanantaina kysely, vol. 283

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

No, se ei ole paljon kyselystä. Se on vain jatkuvasti kehittyvä (harvoin?), Hieman satunnainen luettelo kysymyksistä, jotka olen lukenut lukijoille joka maanantai aamu viimeisten viiden vuoden aikana. Olen aina nauttinut lukemalla vastauksesi kommenteissa, ja toivon, että nautit lukemisesta.

Which makeup brush do you use the most?
The MAC 217 Blending Brush, which I love like Buzz Lightyear (to infinity and beyond!!).

Three convenient products it helps to have in your purse?
Cat treats, a really terrific pen and ponytail holders.

Three favorite languages to hear spoken?
Tagalog (it reminds me of my parents and home), French and Italian.

About how many times have you painted your nails this month?
It’s still early in the month…so three.


Best eyeshadow primer?
It’s a tossup between NARS Pro-Prime Smudge proof Eyeshadow Base and MAC Painterly.

Have you ever worn an updo?
Jep! They’re perfect for formal occasions like weddings.

Are you happy with your brows?
Grrr… yes and no. yes because they’re finally starting to grow out (I’ve been trying to grow them out lately), but no because “Raul,” the bald spot on my left brow, is still harassing me.

Best moisturizing makeup product?
Clarins instant Light natural Lip Perfector! It’s so great!

Have you ever lost your keys/purse/phone?
No, no and no (knocks on wood).


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

I lose jewelry left and right, which is the main reason I mostly stick to costume pieces, but so far I’ve managed to avoid losing the other stuff.

Most unusual thing in your purse right now?
A pair of heart-shaped neon sunglasses I got from Target a while back.

Nyt on sinun vuorosi. Kopioi ja liitä seuraavat kysymykset kommenttisi vastauksiin. Odotan lukea “em!

1. Which makeup brush do you use the most?
2. three convenient products it helps to have in your purse?
3. three favorite languages to hear spoken?
4. about how many times have you painted your nails this month?
5. best eyeshadow primer?
6. have you ever worn an updo?
7. Are you happy with your brows?
8. best moisturizing makeup product?
9. have you ever lost your keys/purse/phone?
10. most unusual thing in your purse right now?

I wanted to tell you about this really interesting book I started reading the other day called manage Your Day-to-Day: build Your Routine, find Your focus & Sharpen Your creative Mind (find it here). I found it through a website I like called 99U, which has terrific self-helpy articles on fostering your creativity and achieving personal goals.

The book has this to say about the building blocks of a terrific daily routine:

“Start with the rhythm of your energy levels. certain times of day are especially conducive to focussed creativity, thanks to circadian rhythms of arousal and mental alertness. notice when you seem to have the most energy during the day, and dedicate those valuable periods to your most important creative work.”


“The single most important change you can make in your working habits is to switch to creative work first, reactive work second. This means blocking off a large chunk of time each day for creative work on your own priorities, with the phone and e-mail off. By definition, this approach goes against the grain of others’ expectations and the pressures they put on you. It will take willpower to switch off the world, even for an hour. It feels uncomfortable, and sometimes people get upset. but it’s better to disappoint a few people over small things, than to surrender your dreams for an empty inbox.”

And many more really inspiring tips and testimonials from successful creative people. highly recommended if you’re looking for a creativity boost.


Have a wonderful day and a spectacular week, my friend.

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